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2020 Tax Guide for Travel Nurses [eBook]

Taxes during unprecedented times
04/16/2020 | 0 minutes to read

2020 is a year like we’ve never seen before. Under the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak, the healthcare world is facing unprecedented challenges and the financial landscape is changing quickly.

And though doing your taxes may seem less urgent in this landscape, COVID-19 will impact your taxes, too.

We put together this guide, to keep you informed of the recent changes and to give you actionable tips on making your taxes easier to file.

We wanted to make this as easy as possible for you, since many of you have so much on your plate right now.

In this eBook, you'll learn.

  • How your taxes are different in 2020
  • State-by-state filing deadlines
  • New provisions to your W-4
  • How to determine your tax home
  • And more

We’ll give you the resources to file your 2020 travel nursing taxes with ease. Download the eBook now.

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