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4 Tips on Owning Your First Day as a Travel Nurse

You have just landed your first travel nurse assignment and moved into your new place for the next 13-ish weeks, now what?
05/24/2022 | 3 minutes to read

Being on your first assignment in a new city can be intimidating. However, we have a few tips that could help you own your first day and rock your assignment!

Move In Early

This may be a no brainer, but you want to make sure you are all moved in a few days before your assignment begins at the very latest. If you are able to move in a week or so before, even better! This will give you time to get situated and explore your new city. Once moved in, go for a walk around your neighborhood, or drive around town to find the nearest grocery store or gas station. Get yourself acquainted with your new city before your assignment begins. When you start your assignment, you will meet many locals who can suggest other places to visit like restaurants, shops, or nearby trails.

Learn Your Commute

If you can move in a few days before your assignment, take a day to learn your commute and daily routine. Wake up in time to get ready for your day and commute. You may find the drive to your hospital takes longer than expected, or the hospital parking lot fills up quickly and you have to park further away from the entrance. During your practice commute, you may find a shorter route than what is shown on your maps. Learning your commute before your first day will not only help you learn your route but will also help you wake up with plenty of time to arrive in case any issues happen to occur. Besides, you want to make a good impression on your first day and arriving early to the job will do just that!

Explore Your Hospital

Along with learning your route to the hospital, it may be a good idea to explore your new hospital. This will help you associate yourself with the several floors, hallways, and rooms in the building. Prepare for your first day by learning where to go for your shift to ensure you arrive on time. Pair this with your commute to see how long it takes you from the parking lot to get to your post. You may find out the elevators move slowly and taking the stairs is a quicker method or using a different set of elevators is less crowded. No matter how you get to your post, learning the ins and outs of your new hospital can be beneficial before your first day.

Come Prepared

Lastly, when it comes to your first day, make sure that your state nursing license, credentials, and other important documents are up to date. Make sure to bring copies of your certifications and any completed onboarding or modules you had to complete before your assignment. The last thing you want to happen after you move is to find out you do not have the required documents on hand to begin your assignment. Your recruiter will also help you make sure you have everything needed for your first day. Contact them regarding any first day instructions to be completely prepared!

These tips may seem like a no brainer. However, when beginning your first assignment, excitement or nervousness may cause you to overlook these important recommendations to own your first day.

We hope you land a contract to put these tips into practice soon, if you’re still looking for jobs  visit us here!

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