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7 ways to decompress after your nursing shift

Take some time to sit back, relax and enjoy reading these helpful tips
03/19/2017 | 2 minutes to read

#1: Take a long shower or soak in a bubble bath

Treat yourself to a long hot bath and relax. Use some peppermint or lavender bath products and light some candles. Have a spa day in the comfort of your home.

#2: Attend yoga classes

If you are constantly feeling overwhelmed and stressed at work, attend a local yoga class. After working on your feet all day, your body will thank you for the stretches. You can even incorporate morning yoga pose stretches in your wake-up routine to help jump start your day.

#3: Unplug yourself from the world

In this hectic world that we live in, we are constantly bombarded and over stimulated. While it is not always possible, try to turn off your phone and electronic gadgets for a couple of hours before bed. The much-needed silence will give you a break from the outside world and let you focus on yourself.

#4: Take a walk

After a long shift, it is easy to lock yourself in your room and binge watch Netflix. We have all been there and done that. Instead, challenge yourself to get out of the house and take a walk. Explore your new city. Fresh air and light exercise can improve your mood significantly.

#5: Treat yourself

As a travel nurse, your job is to help others. The constant focus on other people can be draining. Remember to also treat yourself as well as you treat your patients. This could be going to the spa, buying yourself a gift, or eating at your favorite restaurant. It doesn’t have to be extravagant, it should just be something you will enjoy.

#6: Hang out with your friends

Sometimes the easiest way to destress from a long day is to call or visit a friend. Hang out with people you enjoy and avoid the debby-downers. Spending quality time with people you like may be all the stress relief you need.

#7: Laugh often

The saying “laughter is the best medicine” is true. Laughter increases your energy and releases endorphins that will help reduce your stress. If you are looking for something to make you laugh, watch one of my all-time favorite YouTube videos by Jimmy Kimmel.

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