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Five Tips to Make Taking on New Assignments Easier

From experienced travel nurses
08/06/2020 | 1 minutes to read

Being a travel clinician is not always easy, but we talked to some of our experienced travel nurses to provide you some tips that can help make taking on new assignments easier.

  • Keep an open mind. When you go into a hospital, you are there for a reason; however, every facility has their own policies and procedures. It’s okay to make suggestions instead of telling people what to do and include them in creating solutions.
  • Be yourself. It’s important not to be someone you’re not. However, let people get to know you before you decide to be too loud or boisterous.
  • Patience is key. When you are on a new assignment, take jobs that give you a chance to get to know people. Once they have come to know you better, you can take on more challenging patients without ruffling feathers.
  • Don’t brag about travel nursing. It’s important not to rave about how amazing being a travel nurse is when you are on the unit. Some of the nurses you may be working with have been there for a long time and have great pride in their longevity.
  • Make friends. Start by asking questions to find common ground. Bring in baked goods. Bring in flavored coffee and creamers each week, just to be nice. Little things can open the door for you.

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