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Flu Season is Coming Fast

The pandemic has a new partner on the scene - unpredictable flu season
10/22/2020 | 1 minutes to read

2020 has been a year for new terms: coronavirus, COVID-19, and now “twindemic.” The pandemic has a new partner on the scene - the ever-unpredictable flu season. Experts warn of a possible “twindemic” as the US enters into flu season. Having both the flu and COVID-19 at the same time could mean the results are far more severe than if you had either one alone.

So what can you do to prepare?

1. Get a flu shot. Always important, this year the flu shot takes on a new importance. The symptoms of COVID-19 and the flu are extremely similar. Getting a flu shot will help lower your chances that you will get the flu.

2. Wash your hands and wear a mask. Cleanliness is the best recourse for both the coronavirus and the flu. Protect yourself by wearing a mask in public, not just at work, and washing your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap.

3. Take care of yourself. It’s easy to forget that you have to take care of yourself and not just everyone else. Find time to rest and eat healthy.

Make staying healthy a top priority!

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