Nine Ways to Boost Your Immune System While Traveling
As a travel healthcare professional, you are constantly on the go.

While there are many benefits to travel healthcare, such as exploring cities and meeting people, the job can be stressful. Being busy and stressed may cause your health and immunity to weaken. Read on for TotalMed's tips to boost your immune system and stay in good health during your travels.
1 – Healthy Diet
One important way to build a strong immune system is to eat healthy foods. As much as we all would like a slice of cake or a bag of chips after a long nursing shift, try switching out those comfort foods with immune-boosting foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Maintaining a healthy diet helps you feel good and energized.
2 – Exercise Regularly
There is more to exercising than building muscles and relieving stress. Exercising for as little as 30 minutes per day can help boost your immune system. One way exercising helps boost immunity is by improving your overall circulation, which makes it easier for your immune cells to travel through your body and fight off infections.
3 – Get Plenty of Sleep
While getting enough rest may be difficult as a travel nurse, it is recommended to get at least 7 to 10 hours of sleep each night. While you are sleeping, important processes occur within your body to help maintain and repair it. For example, your body creates infection-fighting molecules during sleep. Studies have shown that people who do not get enough sleep are more prone to infection after being exposed to viruses.
4 – Vitamins / Supplements
Along with maintaining a healthy diet, vitamins are also important for boosting your immune system. Whether you get those vitamins through foods or through a multivitamin supplement, make sure to keep them as a part of your daily routine. If taking a multivitamin, make sure it includes Vitamin C, B6, and E as those are key to maintaining your immune system.
5 – Minimize Stress
Stress plays a big role when it comes to your health. Too much stress will cause your body to respond by releasing a stress response. While this is meant to help your body handle stress, this also causes a decrease in your immunity. Maintaining a healthy diet, moderate exercise, and plenty of rest will help to relieve stress. Other ways to de-stress include starting a hobby, reading, spending time out in nature, and visiting with family and friends.
6 – Stay Connected
As mentioned above, visiting with family and friends is a great way to de-stress and improve your immune system. Whether it be in person or virtual, social interactions keep our immune system active.
7 – Get Fresh Air
The great outdoors offers many benefits to our health, such as fresh air and Vitamin D. Spending time outdoors is a great way for your body to get Vitamin D, which helps strengthen bones and reduces the spread of viruses and bacteria. Enjoy the fresh air and get some exercise by going for a walk, hiking nearby trails, or riding a bicycle.
8 – Drink More
Water is very important to your overall health. Staying hydrated helps keeps your immune system at its premier performance level - blood is oxygenated, toxins are flushed, and vital organs and muscles stay in shape. If you are not much of a water drinker, consider a hydration-tracking water bottle to be sure you drink enough each day.
9 – Take Care of Your Body
Lastly, take care of your body. That can mean going to your doctor for a yearly checkup or visiting the chiropractor to help relieve tension in your back and neck. Remember to schedule these appointments before leaving for your travel nursing assignment. Most doctors offer virtual appointments as well to help keep you in good health while on the road. Maintaining and taking care of your body keeps your immune system strong and keeps you in the best physical and mental health to fulfill your duties.