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Top 7 Tips to Prevent Nurse Burnout

Travel nursing offers many positive benefits, such as helping those in need, exploring new sites, and learning new skills, but burnout can still occur.
07/25/2023 | 3 minutes to read

Burnout can physically and mentally affect you, and may be caused by heavy workloads, working long hours, emotional stress, or feeling underappreciated at your current facility. Some symptoms of burnout include underperformance at work, not wanting to go to work, lack of sleep, under or over eating, and distancing yourself from family, friends, and coworkers. As a nurse, it is important to recognize the symptoms of burnout and to take care of yourself so you can stay healthy and continue loving your career. Read on to learn seven top tips from TotalMed on how to prevent burnout as a nurse.


1 – Separate Work and Personal Life

This may be easier said than done, but do your best to leave any thoughts or feelings about work, at work. Once your shift ends, clear your mind, and focus on the rest of your day or night. Whether you spend your time off visiting with family and friends, binging your favorite TV shows, or reading a book, be sure to leave work behind you so can be present to enjoy yourself.


2 – Get Plenty of Rest

The recommended amount of sleep a person should get each night is between 7 and 10 hours. During sleep, your body heals and resets for the next day. Sleep also plays an important role in boosting your immune system. Be sure you get enough sleep each night to not only feel well-rested, but to also boost your mood, concentration, and motivation.


3 – Socialize

Spending time with family and friends plays an important role in not only helping you to de-stress, but to have someone to talk to about your job. Having someone to talk to about your workday can provide emotional support and help you work through problems or concerns. While having relationships with coworkers can make work more enjoyable, it is important to have relationships outside of work who will listen and offer support.


4 – Take Breaks

Besides lunch, it is important to take smaller breaks throughout the day to regroup and maintain motivation during your shift. As a travel nurse, most of your shifts will be 12 hours. Overworking yourself tends to add unnecessary stress and can cause a decline in performance. There may be shifts where taking a break is just not possible but do your best to save some time for yourself even if you are only grabbing a cup of coffee.


5 – Take on a Hobby

As mentioned earlier, you must separate work from your personal life. Spend your days off doing something that you love and that relaxes you, such as hiking, reading, or going to a local cafe. If you want to try something new, browse online to see if your town has any arts and crafts classes. Taking on a hobby helps you think less about work and feel recharged for your next shift.


6 - Take Care of Your Physical and Mental Health

A good diet and exercise can go a long way. Diet and exercise not only keep you in shape, but it can also help diminish stress, improve mood, and boost energy. Along with taking care of your physical health, be sure to take care of your mental health. If you are feeling overworked and exhausted, take a sick day. Calling in sick is more than having a virus or infection. Taking a day off can improve your mental health and help you feel recharged for your next shift. Reach out to therapists and other counseling services when needed.


7 – Remember What You Love About Your Job

If you are beginning to doubt your career choice, remember why you decided to become a travel nurse. As with any job, there will be difficult days and times when you want to quit. However, take a moment to remember all the good times throughout your travel nursing career - bonds you formed with colleagues, experiences you have had in your new location. There are many pros that outweigh the cons of being a travel nurse. Take some time to remember that and be proud of all that you have achieved.


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