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Top Tips for Maintaining a Work-Life Balance as a Travel Nurse

Travel nursing offers many rewards and experiences. Being a travel nurse opens you up to new locations, people, patients and food.
10/14/2022 | 3 minutes to read

We all know having a nursing career can be demanding at times and have its stressful moments. These tough times can lead to nurse burnout, which may cause an overall decline in mental health and well-being. As a nurse, it is most important to maintain a work-life balance to take care of yourself and help prevent burnout. Continue reading to learn about our top tips for achieving a work-life balance and to get the most out of your assignments.

Choose Assignments That Fit Your Needs

One of the top pros to being a travel nurse is the ability to choose an assignment based on your wants and needs. When deciding on an assignment, think about your reasoning for being a travel nurse. Are you traveling because you want to explore new cities? Or are you traveling because you want to make more money? Maybe both? Whatever your reason is, make sure you choose an assignment that will fit your needs. Do not be afraid if your needs change. Over time, you may decide to stay closer to home with your family or take a break altogether.

Separate Work and Personal Life

As a nurse, there may be days when situations arise that cause emotional distress. While it is easier said than done, try your best to leave any thoughts or feelings from work, at work. Bringing home those feelings of distress can cause a decline in your mental health along with your social life. Once your shift ends, clear your mind, and focus on the rest of your day. No matter how you spend your time after your shift, be sure to leave all things work behind you so you can be present and enjoy yourself.

Establish a Daily Routine

During your assignments, there may be times when your schedule changes or shifts become overwhelming. Creating a daily routine will help give you some control during your day. Some routines include having a cup of coffee as soon as you wake up, taking 10 minutes a day to meditate, or washing your face before you go to bed. As mentioned earlier, be sure to leave work right when your shift ends, and make sure to leave it behind. Daily routines are a great way to reduce stress and help establish a healthy work-life balance.

Create an “Amazing Experiences To-Do” List

Before you begin an assignment, research the area and make a bucket list of things you would like to do on your time off. Whether it be hiking, downtown shopping, going on a tour, or trying out new restaurants, find activities that interest you and make sure to do them while staying in the city. These activities will give you something to look forward to once your shift ends and help separate work from home. Completing a bucket list is a great way to reenergize and destress yourself.

Introduce Yourself to Others

During your journey, you are bound to meet other travel nurses. If not through the facility, try checking out apps such as MedVenture. This app is a great way to meet other adventurous nurses to connect with through hiking or similar interests. Another way to meet people is through local events or visiting places that interest you. Forming friendships while traveling can also help keep that work-life balance and make your assignment much more enjoyable.

Have “Me” Time

Lastly, take some time for yourself. Make sure to spend time after work or on your days off doing things that you love. Take a day adventuring solo by going on a hike, or trying out a new restaurant, go to the spa, or spend time at home catching up on your favorite shows or books. Whatever activities interest you, do not forget to take a break from reality and enjoy yourself. Having “me” time is important for your health and mental wellness.

Start looking for a new assignment to best fit your needs here.

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