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Travel Nurse Packing Tips

Packing for a travel nurse assignment can be tricky because of the uncertainty of the length of assignment, location, and living situation...
10/22/2017 | 2 minutes to read

Excited for your first travel assignment, but not sure what to pack?

A typical travel nurse assignment is 13 weeks with possible extension. Packing for a travel nurse assignment can be tricky because of the uncertainty of the length of assignment, location, and living situation.

If you find yourself unsure about what to pack, consider these 5 packing tips when preparing for your travel nurse assignment.

Research the location

Depending on where your travel assignment is, you should pack accordingly. If you are spending your winter in Colorado, be sure to pack winter clothes. If you are spending your winter in Hawaii, bring bathing suits and warm weather clothes. Doing research ahead of time will help you be more prepared for your trip.

Travel light

Remember, you are only packing for a 13-week assignment, please do not move your home. The more you pack, the more you will have to move. Pack your essentials, but wait until you reach your new location to buy items that you may have left behind.

Bring Important Documents

Make sure you bring all your important documents, as they may be a hassle to replace. Pack important documents such as: social security card, car insurance, travel documents, insurance policy, driver’s license.

Stay organized

When packing, consider these cool eBag Packing Cubes that can help you stay organized. Packing efficiently will free up space and allow you to fit more.

Pack versatile outfits

Think about packing items that can be used in multiple settings. Check out shoes such as Caco Sandals that have 100% functionality, because they can be worn when walking, hiking, and in water. When thinking about outfits, I try to find simple tops and pants that can be recycled in multiple outfits. The more versatile your items are, the less you will need to bring.

As much as we all like to prepare, there is only so much you can do. Your assignment is an adventure. If it turns out that you are not as prepared for your first travel nurse assignment as you would have liked to be, don’t sweat it. Save the knowledge for your next assignment. Remember, the TotalMed Team is just one phone call away. Call us if you have any questions!

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